
How Well Prepared Are You for Your Next Client Meeting?

Click here for a short video about this month's issue

Preparing for a client meeting can take many times longer than the actual meeting.

But this is time well spent. The better prepared you are, the higher the probability that the client meeting will go well.

Sales Tools:

Many advisors carry sample illustrations, brochures, market performance data, rate histories, etc. to use as information resources when talking with clients. Make sure these are up to date, and that they are well organized so you can easily put your hands on the piece you need.


Taking an application means doing a lot more than completing just the application form. Do you have a trust certification form, just in case? How about an over-age (65+) form? Additional beneficiaries form? Transfer form? You may think you know exactly how this case will be written, only to get new information once the paperwork starts.


Did you ask the clients about a reverse mortgage? Is this case a replacement? How old is the policy being moved? Is there a surrender penalty? If you wait to ask these questions until you start filling out the paperwork, you are too late.


Did you do the carrier product training BEFORE completing the application? What about your AML training? How well do you know the annuity you will be selling? What is the lifetime income rider fee? Can you get joint-lifetime income on IRA funds? Getting blindsided can kill the sale. Take the time to know ALL of the pertinent aspects of each case and each product.

We can help: 800-200-9194

Prevent Objections Instead of Handling Them

Every week we see some email ad for some sort of instruction on how to overcome objections during the sale process. I believe there is a much better approach; avoid handling objections by preventing them from ever happening. Think about it this way…if you know the clients’ goals, hopes, fears, assets, liabilities, and experiences, you will be fore armed with all the information you need to prevent objections from occurring. All of this can be learned during the first meeting. In fact, that should be nearly the entire focus of the first client meeting—gathering information.

Once the first meeting is done, it is time to work on creating a plan and presentation strategy that addresses ALL of the things you discussed during the first meeting.  Your plan must address every fear, liability, concern, and potential problem that was brought up during the first meeting. It must also fit well into the goals and hopes that were discovered during the first meeting.

Then, present your plan at the second meeting and be prepared to complete applications. If you discover any new objections, you may have to start the process over—or you may be able to show the clients how the current plan will take care of their newly mentioned concerns.

In a nutshell, find out what could be potential objections, and build your plan presentation around making those concerns vanish. Call us if you like, and we can help: 800-200-9194

For more, give us a call or send us an email.



~ Greg Skogsberg

Click here for a short video about this month's issue

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