
More IUL Coverage for Less Money

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An “A+” rated carrier—one of the biggest in the industry—is offering an automatic risk-class upgrade for IUL clients.

This means a client who is rated as “Standard” gets bumped up to “Preferred”! It’s like going back in time and applying for life 20 years ago! This means the client can either get more death benefit for the same cost, or the same death benefit at a huge discount! And…this IUL has benefits the client can access for health issues, which means they can actually use their death benefit to help with their own unforeseen medical needs. BUT HURRY, because this offer could go away in the next month or two—and we need to get the underwriting done NOW!

Annual Reviews = More Sales

Every month we send out emails to our advisers to let them know about upcoming policy anniversaries their clients will be having in upcoming weeks. Are you getting them? Are you reading them? ARE YOU HOLDING ANNIVERSARY REVIEW MEETINGS?

Here's why I hold anniversary meetings on EVERY policy I ever sold, because they lead to more sales!

About 1 in 3 anniversary meetings opens up a new sale opportunity. Either the clients want to open another annuity, or they want to help their kids get life insurance, or they want to fund an annuity for grandchildren, or they refer a friend who is looking for some financial planning advice. The opportunities are endless. But, NONE of these happen unless you take the time to schedule—and attend—the policy anniversary review meeting.

Another benefit of holding these conversations yearly is that you get to hear any concerns clients have about their current annuities or life policies—and you can address them and reassure them that they made a great decision to purchase the policies in the first place. For example, last year I met with a client who was no longer happy with the annuities he purchased 3 years earlier—because his financial goals had changed, and he wanted to do something different with the funds. So we discussed alternatives and found new annuities that meet his new goals. Now he is taking 10% penalty free withdrawals annually to fund two new annuities. He’s happy about moving in a new direction, and . d to not be incurring penalties.

Another common theme I run into is clients who have recently inherited money from the death of a parent. They typically take these funds and put them in the bank and just ‘sit’ on them. They don’t think to call me to discuss options, because the loss of their loved one makes the money feel different to a lot of people. So, they just tuck it away. But all that changes when you are talking face to face and asking what sort of changes have occurred in the past year.

Let us know if you would like to talk through ways to get the most out of every anniversary review meeting. They are a lot of fun and can be very lucrative.

And, speaking of anniversaries…TWH turns 31 this month!

Let us know how we can help:


~ Greg Skogsberg

Click here for a short video about this month's issue

We now have annuity contracts with FORTY-ONE carriers.  More than any other FMO!  And this is just one of the reasons we are The #1 Concierge FMO in America!

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