
Just ask, “When was the last time you had your Trust reviewed”?

 It’s a great way to open up the topic of estate planning, and that can lead to conversations about financial retirement planning.  Having a Trust in place can save beneficiaries months of delays, and mountains of money.  There are far too many horror stories about people who died without probate protection, and the MILLIONS that they lost—like Elvis Presley, for example.

I’m a Financial Planner/Insurance Agent, not an Estate Attorney, that’s not my job.

But, even though we are not attorneys, we do want to help our clients be as prepared as possible for every possible outcome, including death, and we have the resources to help them get a living trust.  So, not only should you mention it, you should implement it and make sure it’s done correctly. Keeping a client’s Estate out of Probate Court is an honorable thing to do, and it builds the beneficiaries’ confidence in you as THEIR new financial planner/adviser.

A Living Trust Web Site for Our Advisers

We have a Living Trust Website that provides a simple system for creating a Trust online from the privacy of the clients’ home, not in some lawyer’s office. This site was designed and is operated by attorneys to keep it simple and bullet proof. But it can also be a way for you to differentiate yourself by offering extra value and services for your clients. How would you like to have your own Website—customized with your information—where clients can visit, build an account, and create their own Living Trust? Plus, you get paid for every trust created!

Call me if you’re interested.   
800‐200‐9194, ext. 206

~ John Roberts

Marketing Director

VP, TWH Agency, Inc.

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